12 November 2010


I photographed each part alone from different elevations. I then overlaid them with an inverse transparency.


RjC said...

These are nice. Give us a little more info. Also see - http://iris.nyit.edu/~rcody/Thesis/Readings/SLUTSKY.PDF

AA said...

slutsky's article is a paintery approach to layering surfaces which imply spaces. ..There is an interesting dynamic which I admire.
On the other hand, are these models utilizing transparency as a rule or are they about joinery of spaces? they appear to be unfolding to redirect or capture.
all of this can be taken literally and have to do with techniqic to construction or be ambiguous inorder to layer the meaning of the program- event, material- the sences, to make the concept which layers the idea of place for space.

AA said...

i hear there is other models- of this series which should be posted; aka amoia

AA said...

there are

mbgambino said...

The (now) 2nd image is about the joinery of each part to itself. The last image is a start to the way they connect both to themselves and then to each other.