09 February 2011

Friday Pin-up


I thought yesterday was mostly productive and you did receive some good comments. I’m glad we took a breather from the regularly scheduled program.

The business for Friday will be simple. Pin-up and present your current info only. We all know in general what’s going on in each others project. I want to hear you present the ideas in a “material” way that discusses the current trajectory of the project and introduces where you think its going from here and why. I expect a serious effort from the group to give each other commentary and to be tough and take notes. There is still time, but its getting close to the wire to make “radical” changes that some may need to make to kick start a new.

In the following two weeks everyone should focus on parts of their projects. Small scale first – then back to large scale. Ronny has a jump on this in how he has dealt with the ramp/circulation/stair/structure component of his project. His next step is to understand its incorporation into the large scale development of the site and how its modified or expanded to do this. We should all be at this stage after Friday.


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