21 November 2010

clay studies_Underground and above ground paths

path formations

Some images from the visit

Brazil 2014 Summit

After attending the two summits (Nov18 & Nov 19), here are some thoughts and comments about this interesting and productive experience.
At first we had an introduction on how Brazil stands at this moment and what its main cities have to offer. It was important to point out that Brazil currently is undergoing an important growth in its economy and it has been predicted to become one of the five largest economies in the world in the decades to come. Therefore, the coming World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016 not only are going to reinforce it, but is also Brazil’s springboard to show its strength to the entire world. For this reason, the question many of the architects had to ask themselves prior to entering the competition for the stadiums was how they ambitioned Brazil in 2014?
The summit was divided into two days because twelve architects involved in each of the 12 projects for The World Cup for 2014 were there, so 6 were introduced on each day in order to dedicate a good amount of time to each project. After they were all done presenting their visions and projects for Brazil 2014 a moderator would invite the audience to ask questions.
Many good questions were aroused in these meetings and the architect’s responded to them as best they could base on their projects. Some questions regarded the topics I have already given some thought which is good, for example: what happens when the event is over?, how to manage the flow of traffic at the place, or what to do when the stadium gets located in a decentralized place? How to introduce sustainability to the stadia? Etc. The solution from an architect’s view was to make the upper tier a separate entity able to change or be replaced in the near future like in the case of the new London stadium, project he’s also involved with. He suggested that London didn’t need another 90,000 seat stadium and for this reason the new stadium will be constructed with a simple structure easy to be read for anybody and that it allow it to be disassembled once the event it’s over. In terms of location, the idea of an architect whose site was in a decentralized area was to extend a park, an important element for the small city, all the way to where the stadium was, that way not only he integrated it the stadium to the park idea, but also rehabilitated the area and invited the city to grow around the stadium.

The New
There were things that came out during these lectures which I didn’t take in consideration before, that I will do my best at dealing with, This are FIFA’s standards for stadiums holding these competitions, they have regulations regarding, mass transportation, fast exiting, good visibility, a well-designed VIP area and what came up a lot were a visitors area and media center which become key to these competitions since the stadium receives more visitors and press than ever before.

Just as a criticism I think most of the architects focused a lot in complementing FIFA’s standards for this competition which obviously had to be a priority, however some of the stadiums were not conceptualized at its maximum from my perspective; rather they focused more in ease of access, satisfying FIFA’s standards to stadia like giving the spectator the maximum amount of visibility and providing a regional design specific to the location which I think it’s ok , but I’m surprised that none of them is as eye catching as the recent Soccer city per say. Maybe it’s the impact of the architecture being more conscious about the environment which in a way gives up some of the ambition for achieving new things. But nonetheless there are truly beautiful designs that include that mall/ stadia approach very common nowadays while each does its best at revealing the natural properties of the site.

15 November 2010

Combinations with transparencies

The lower the piece the lighter it is.
The darkest colors are connections for the pieces.


Cancer has been a very serious problem in Vietnam since 1990. Nowadays, cancer occupies about 12% mortality of Vietnam. Also, cancer has been spreading throughout the whole country rather than big cities. Vietnam is a poor country. Hospital infrastructure has been lacking while population of patients are increasing rapidly. There are not enough hospitals and transportation in Vietnam is very horrible.

My long term resolution is to develop cancer hospital system which composites of three types of hospital differentiated on sizes and functions: the central hospitals, the hospitals , and the clinics. The central hospitals will be doing not only treatment but also researches, affiliations with universities, and international business. The hospitals will be doing the treatment and some of the researches. The clinic will spread out information, diagnose and find out at the early stages of cancer. The system will be built so that traveling becomes easier for the patients.

My short term resolution focuses in a central hospital where a hospice is added to make the patients feel like home. A hospice will help patients enjoy their last days. It also gives new patients inspiration, faith and hope to courageously face the deadly disease.
I did some models based on the idea of introducing life and nature into the stadium so that the stadium can morphe as a museum or cultural place on the days without games.
This way not only it will be used as a space to congregate and cheer for the national team, but also offer people the opportunity to celebrate the country's richness in nature. People here will be able to learn how the flora and fauna coexist at this place and have the opportunity to admire flowers vegetation and animals living withing this biomes.

Im planning to have 4 spaces, each representing the different regions of the country, coast, the andes, the rain forest and the galapagos islands

These can also play a game with the elements:
rain forest=earth

13 November 2010

Thesis Idea

Went to visit the Brentwood area to find a site, and found that the areas we looked at (Professor) were people's backyards that stretched very far into the wooded area behind them. I continued looking and found a site adjacent to Brentwood High School that was mainly 39 acres of overgrowth and undeveloped land. I proceeded to study this area and find what places would be effected by a farm in this area. Professor, I like your idea of my thesis better than mine, so I'll continue my study in that direction, however I attached some work I did.

12 November 2010


I photographed each part alone from different elevations. I then overlaid them with an inverse transparency.

11 November 2010

"The Stadium is a Celebration of Life" /

"Life at its Purest State"

The Site

Park La Carolina is as for today one of Quito’s greatest urban parks. Located at 0 Latitude, 2800 meters, the park stretches a mile long from north to south, offering a wide range of activities and facilities to its citizens including playing grounds, sports courts, fields and picnic areas. However, with redevelopment in some areas of the city, the old airport is soon to be replaced with a new urban park similar to Central Park in length which will offer public walk able paths, plazas and new areas of recreation. This means that park La Carolina which was Quito’s most famous park is soon to be forgotten by some unless something is done to reinsert life and energy to it without the necessity for competing with the new upcoming park.

The Driving Force

The world cup, the Olympic Games and any other kind of international events often serve as a strong catalyst for urban development, the construction of new infrastructure and sport venues which over history have gain a place of importance around the globe as city icons. That is to say, sport facilities can be perceived as having the power to attract socioeconomic forces to its given place while they also embrace a cultural experience later to be exposed and shared with the entire world.

Given how these events and sport complexes pose huge influences over a city, it is important for local authorities to consider more efficient methods of construction in which natural resources of a determined place are used at its best. Also, regional design must also be carefully thought out as means of setting precedence for the future of the local architecture.

With the insertion of a new national stadium to the city of Quito not only the city will benefit from it, but the entire country itself as well, since it will open up opportunities for its advancement, while it will help promote its richness in biodiversity and the different ecosystems that interact in this specific location. Therefore, the new national stadium calls for a design that keeps and serves the country’s natural characteristics that make it unique among others. It should articulate a notion for ecological design from which people can relate to as their public sporting venue as well a common place of interaction in which man and nature can connect themselves while in the city.


Poly-Monotheistic Sacred House III

There is a growing need for religious tolerance in the world, especially in the United States. This is apparent is light of the recent event of a “mosque” that has proposed being built “at” ground zero. The space is being proposed as a community center similar to a YMCA, that will have spaces dedicated to prayer spaces for Muslims. Prayer spaces similar to those that were already in the world trade center before the attack on September 11, 2001. It is also not going to be built “at” ground zero it will be built two blocks away from the site. A better description would be an Islamic center near ground zero. A surprising seventy percent of the US population is against this community center being built for reasons such as if it gets built it is a sign of victory for the Islamic extremists. In response to this dilemma the leader of the project: Faisal Abdal Rauf has agreed to set aside separate prayer spaces for other religions in order to show religious tolerance and help the public appeal of the project.

It is a constitutional right to be able to practice any religion wherever anyone may wish in the US. It is an idea that started during the time of the early settlements in North America. The idea started as deism, which is an understanding that God does not interfere with human affairs. This grew to become part of the first amendment of the United States constitution, which prohibits the making of any law "respecting an establishment of religion", and impeding the free exercise of religion. The idea of this Community center is making a large statement about religious tolerance, however it is breeding more abhorrence on all sides of this international social debate. Unfortunately there is no way for state to enforce religious tolerance effectively or easily, so this debate could only get more severe. The possible beginning to a solution for this quandary could be a more direct response to the concerns of all, and in order to ensure fairness each of the three monotheistic religions; Islam, Judaism, and Christianity should be included.

Now if all three religions were placed into one building (“Poly-monotheistic Sacred House III”) where they each had their own separate space and practiced each of their beliefs adjacent to each other it would make a statement for tolerance. Also if it were placed across from the WTC memorial that is currently being constructed it would inevitably be included in the events that would take place on September 11 each year. The three religious spaces could be connected using literal and phenomenal transparencies in such a way that gives the illusion that each space is included in each of the others. This could also be done in a way that will highlight the similarities and differences between them. Thus creating a balance of between the three that could suggest a higher level of tolerance and understanding between the three separate religions.

carlos Quintero_Thesis statement

My objective for this project is to create a place that involves a commitment to recognition and reconstruction of the truth of the conflict which Colombians have lived and experienced for the past 50 years.
It is my vision that all the memories collected from decades by all the victims should be known, safeguarded and disclosed as a reminder of our history for all future generations. After many years of an ongoing conflict that the country has suffer for almost 5 decades with antigovernment insurgents groups such as FARC (Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia), ELN (National Liberation Army) among others, I am proposing a place where the Colombian society in general can be tolerant and prepared enough to be able to accept, expose, experience, provide assistance to all and more importantly be willing to reconsolidate and forgive one another.
My proposal will be located within one of the most iconic and important public plazas of Bogota called “The Bolivar Square”, which contains buildings such as the palace of Justice, National Capital, Tribunal court, the Municipal complex and religious buildings.
I would like to encourage architecturally all these institutions to contribute in finding ways to finalize this conflict. Once the conflict is over, this site will transform from a place of encouragement and hope into a place of remembrance to all the victims as well as a symbol of a better future for Colombia.

10 November 2010

08 November 2010

Interesting use of Laser Cutter

Johan Hybschmann, The Book of Space: initial studies of perceptual connections of spaces directly referring to the one sequence film: The Russian Ark by Alexander Sukorov. (Read BLDGBLOG’s article on Hybschmann)

06 November 2010


This new photovoltaic device may give some more flexibility on your roof design which could generate some energy for your stadium and surrounding facilities...



I found this image and i thought about your project
In a way resembles how i think about your project because i think
about the pathways being a bit conflictive so that they narrate the struggles these people experiense while being captive, in this case the pathways are zigzaging
Picture is from a Danish Museum from Big Architects

05 November 2010

Some inspirations

Combination of housing and nature.
Open roof allowed seen through and also penetration of nature
Tower relationship to land
Socio city