26 January 2011

Pecha Kucha

This is just a friendly reminder that we will be holding a student Pecha Kucha event two weeks from today, on Tuesday, February 8th, at 12:45pm, during free hour, in the cafeteria. The idea is to get the students to present and comment to each other (we do not have to be there), and also to begin to give the current 4th year students an idea of what a thesis is.
For this purpose, we ask that you nominate one student from your section. The student in question will need to follow the Pecha Kucha format (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide). Please send me the name of the student you nominate and I will arrange for the equipment to be ready.

I am trying to get the AIAS to sponsor a small prize, as they have done in the past.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Associate Professor of Architecture
New York Institute of Technology

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