10 December 2010



AA said...

it is hard to see these since one post...
it seems like before you make this real or assign program... since your in the phenominal model state-
become literal by using todays technology of applying bitmaps to these surfaces with real materials ( so in other words make these photoshop models)...to see the difference between the those materials which cannot go beyond phenonmical characterisics which would mean their technological or construction requirements i.e. joints every 12 ft allows for this.
i posted a comment to jing which said kindof the same thing but just asking her to transform from lego models to real models by applying materials in photoshop.

i think this step in addressing methods of process via using technology is an important one and makes your earlier studies more valid if you can articulate the findings

AA said...

i.e. joints every 12ft does not allow for this

AA said...

furthermore, in speaking to cody yesterday, he agreed with me with the except ... that the first material to address is glass----
and i would say there are glass like elements which are not really glass....
keeeping in mind that glass can not be used everywhere i.e. the north side

AA said...

this conversation moves from concept to including the concept that one understand construction...
by the way
my final is thurs morning in center space, if you can stop by for one or two since i know you have your final- the students would appreciate seeing you.